Add the ability to copy ad hoc reports
unplanned - open for votes
Ben Borin
unplanned - open for votes
Grant Towers
Originally Raised in the INX Ideas Portal in November 2017.
Reference: INCONTROL-I-122
Upon closure of ideas portal: it had 20 votes.
Currently if a person spends a lot of time developing an adhoc report and wants to share it with another, the only way to do this is by making it public. Anyone that knows adhoc reports (and public) knows this is a bad idea.
It would be great if we could make copies of adhoc views for secondary of subsequent users. It would save a lot of time for other people copying another report.
The way I think it could work would be as follows:
- The "Originator" make the report public.
- The subsequent person then opens the public report.
- The person clicks on a NEW "Create a Copy" button, which makes an exact copy of the adhoc view (including fields/filters of original), but makes them the "Originator" of the new report.
- The "Originator" then remakes their report private once again.
I think this would work well, and could be used within all INX Modules.
Can we please consider for implementation.