All Modules - automatic deactivation for profiles that meet certain criteria
unplanned - open for votes
Mark Bell
Having an automated process to deactivate profiles based on certain parameters will save a large amount of admin overhead and help clients to keep within their APPs contractual requirements.
I envisage a page in the Administration section that allows clients to change the parameters such as:
- The number of days that people have not had a work status for (eg 30 days from today)
- The number of days that people have not completed any training (eg 30 days from today)
- A flag to include anyone that has a level of security in any of the INX modules or not (our site would prefer to not auto deactivate people with security, we'd manage these people through a manual process to ensure that InControl events, scheduled reports, etc are all reassigned and then security removed and the profile deactivated)
It should also include the ability to AND / OR any of the above statements.
In addition, it should include an option to indicate how often the deactivation script is run (ie daily, once a week/fortnight/month, every 3 months).
Ben Borin
unplanned - open for votes