Data Warehouse - Analytics vw_BI_InTuitionCCPStatusByPersonAndRole - Expiry Years calculation for 99 Years results in wrong day and month
unplanned - open for votes
Angela Simpson
ExpiryDate calculation is AssessedDate + (ExpiryYears
365d) days rather than 365.25. This results in the expiry date being not correct for the day and month when the expiry years is 99 eg. 2024-11-20 + (99yr
365d) days = 2024-11-20 + 36135d = 2123-10-28Issue raised with support:
Issue is also in all reporting, notifications, and anywhere there is an expiry date as the views are using either 365 days or 12 months.
This has been a long standing issue with InTuition for many years.
Grant Towers
unplanned - open for votes