Date Range or Start Date Option for Hotel Function
unplanned - open for votes
Liam Courtney
Recommend adding a time period or permanent change function for hotelling, similar to the fields we have for making amendments to a cost code or position type for a specific period of time.
When running a roster change that requires a room change from a hotelled to non-hotelled room we currently need to leave the future permanent room hotelled in order to ensure that the current room can be used before the change date. This however leaves the future owned room open to be booked when it shouldn't be. Having the ability to enter a start date for a room to be hotelled would remove the risk of breaches and allow us to better control room availability across the board.
Additionally, having a functionality where we can set a start and end date to a hotel period would also allow us to better handle times where we may need to use a permanently owned room for a specific period of time, such as constraint periods.
Pippa James
unplanned - open for votes