Field Data required to be entered prior to submitting a sample run
Jemma Gooley
Our samplers are under considerable time constraints to collect the samples and get to the lab to make compliance turnaround time. Our samplers will be required to send COC's off to the lab to meet courier times. In this case our samplers using InViron will choose to create COC's and enter field data at a later time. The current set up of INX Preserve does not allow a COC to be created without all field data being complete and publish a sample run. This will mean that compliance sample turn around time requirements will not be able to be met for our company.
Could please request that field data is optional prior to creating a COC but mandatory to close out a sample run.
Bhagya de Silva
Bhagya de Silva
Hi Jemma,
We have a new feature where you can edit a published monitoring run. You can create the monitoring run with very little data and publish it so you can create the CoC/lab report and later edit and add all sample data to the published run.
Jemma Gooley
Bhagya de Silva Thanks Bhagya. Great to see!
Bhagya de Silva
unplanned - open for votes
Bhagya de Silva
Bhagya de Silva
Hi Jemma,
We have plans to allow you to edit the published monitoring runs/samples and this work will be completed by March this year.
Once this is done, in a scenario where you want to create the CoC without adding all field data, you could,
- Create the sample (so you have the sample ID and name in the CoC as a reference).
- Untick the box/es in front of the field parameter name (screenshot attached).
- Create the sample and publish the monitoring run.
You can create the CoC using the sample details of the sample/s you created and later you can edit the published monitoring run and update the sample with field data and publish.