Items in rooms require frequent replacement or cleaning, which aren't required on every clean, and therefore aptly named periodical cleans.
Wanting to see if we can expand on the auto-scheduling feature being worked on to include periodical cleans.
For example, guidelines may be something like;
Doona Covers - every month
Doonas - every 6 months
Pillows - replaced as required
Blankets - clean/replace every 6 months
Mattress Protectors - clean/replace every 3-6 months
Air Conditioner Filters - clean/replace every 3 months
So having a pop-up or similar to inform Housekeeper of periodical clean required on room - auto scheduled on next clean based on guidelines and then auto scheduled the next time it is required.
This also would be required to easily report on for regular auditing purposes or complaint management.
Currently this is kept and maintained on separate spreadsheets but would be great to be included in ACA for one-stop-shop for Village Housekeeping.