Link Sub-contractors
unplanned - open for votes
Shay Beyer
V2 used to have this option where Contractors could see their sub-contractor statuses. We have had to create forms in Sitepass to link the employers, but they still can't see their sub-contractor employees. It is a much missed feature of our Contractors who have provided a lot of feedback to us about this. Essentially, they want to be able to see the workers from their sub-contractors are in an approved state before allowing them to do work form them.
David Clynk
Agree with Shay and Gary or is there an allowable way the Sub-Contractor/Principal Contractor connect with each other on the Client Workflow
Gary Scotney
It would be good if the V2 option could be added as a firm feature, rather than utilising the workaround of adding the Principal contractor as a worksite.
Ben Borin
unplanned - open for votes